She Said Yes! Read online

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  This she had to see for herself.

  Taking the last few steps, she leaned down and peered around the wall, and almost instantly pulled back. She bit back a gasp, her heart hammering wildly in the back of her throat. From the stairs, she could partially see the television, and had seen enough to know it wasn’t just any porno they were watching, but a gay porno—one guy had been on his hands and knees on a bed, blowing another man kneeling in front of him, and a third was ramming the first doggy-style from behind.

  What the—?

  But that hadn’t been all she’d seen. No…she risked another peek, just to be sure. This time she didn’t pull back quite as quickly, because it was obvious neither Johnny nor Ben were paying any attention to anything other than the television. Both were on the sofa, side by side as she had suspected, but from her angle on the stairs, she could see that both men had their flies open wide, their hard cocks jutting from tangled curls embedded in tight white underwear, and they were jerking themselves off while watching the movie.

  At least they aren’t jerking each other off, she thought, and a thrill ran through her at that image, which came unbidden to her mind. All too easily she could imagine Ben’s large hand drifting across the expanse of the cushion between them to fasten itself around her boyfriend’s thick dick and squeezing until the cherry-red head threatened to pop above his fist.

  Yes, yes. On its own, her hand drifted to her crotch and pressed against the sweet ache budding at her center.

  She leaned against the wall and watched Johnny’s hand strum along his length, then glanced at Ben’s cock—his was shorter and fatter than Johnny’s, and she wondered how it would feel plugging up into her. His balls were dark and hairy, a fat sack flattened beneath the heel of his hand, and the bulbous tip of his dick dribbled with clear pre-cum. As she watched, he angled his dick towards Johnny’s and squeezed. “Sword fight,” he said.

  Johnny laughed and leaned towards Ben, touching his cock to his friend’s. They mock-fought with their dicks, bumping and rubbing against each other for a few moments, then Johnny’s hand encircled both shafts and pressed them together. Marianne’s hand cupped her crotch, rubbing her clit hard through her slacks. Is this what they did when she wasn’t around? Maybe a threesome wasn’t entirely out of the question?

  Ben thrust his hips into Johnny’s hand and sighed. “God, I miss doing this.”

  This? So they had done this before? The thought almost made Marianne swoon.

  With a sad smile, Johnny released Ben’s dick and settled back on his cushion. He stroked his own cock slowly, almost absently. When he spoke, his voice was so low, Marianne had to strain to hear it over the porn groove. “You know I love you, man. But I’m with Mary now.”

  Marianne, she corrected silently. She really hated it when he called her Mary. It was the one thing he did that really got under her skin. It sounded lazy, as if he couldn’t be bothered to say her full name.

  “Have you asked her?” Ben wanted to know.

  Her ears pricked up, and her hand clamped still around her pussy, no longer rubbing as she listened. Asked me what?

  “Man, it’s still early…” Johnny hedged.

  Marianne pulled back and leaned against the wall, out of sight. She could tell from the rustle of the sofa cushions that he was uncomfortable with the conversation, because he was moving as if to get away from it. He did the same thing with her whenever she wanted to talk about something he didn’t want to get into at the moment.

  Ben didn’t seem willing to let it go just yet, though. “You said you’d ask.”

  “I will,” Johnny assured him. “Give me some time—”

  “It’s been six months.”

  Since we’ve been dating, Marianne thought. What did Ben want Johnny to ask her?

  When Johnny didn’t reply, Ben asked, “You are sleeping together, aren’t you?”

  Johnny sort of laughed. “Sh-yeah. I told you, when the time is right—”

  “Man!” Ben cried. “Look, I have needs, too, dude. You wanted a girl; I got you a girl. A sexy, smart, wonderful woman who—I might add—also likes me. Don’t deny it, I know she does. But if I’d have known you were going to blue ball me, I never would have introduced you two.”

  Johnny growled in frustration. “What the hell! I can’t just be like hey, honey, let’s get Ben in here, too—he wants to fuck me while I’m fucking you. Because most women don’t go for that shit, okay? You have to let me build up to it.”

  “Well, have you even tried?” Ben asked.

  Marianne’s mind reeled. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. Ben wants in on what we have. He wants to join in. Is that what I’m hearing?

  Her whole body thrilled at the thought. Her pulse raced, her cunt throbbed, her nipples hardened. She almost whimpered in need and desire. Yes, yes, yes! But why in the world was Johnny telling him no?

  With a sigh, Johnny said, “I will, I promise. Just give me a little more time.”

  Marianne’s hand drifted up, smoothing her blouse flat against her stomach, which fluttered under her touch. Ask me already, she thought, as if he could hear her. I don’t know about most women, but me? Hell, yeah!

  Her hand brushed over her breast. Pleasure trilled through her; she bit her lower lip to hold back a moan of delight. Her nipple stood out like a nugget in her palm and she squeezed until another shot of passion curled through her. God, yes.

  “Aw, man!” Ben cried. “I’m tired of waiting. I want you.”

  “I know,” Johnny conceded. “But we’ve been over this. I’m with Mary now. We can’t—”

  “We can.” Ben sounded indignant.

  Marianne risked another look around the corner to see him facing Johnny, his hand grasping his fat cock so hard, the purple tip looked as if it might burst. Seeing it made Marianne’s clit throb; she wanted to feel his dick in her mouth, between her breasts. She wanted to sit on his thick length and ride it while deep-throating Johnny.

  Absently, she began to unbutton her blouse, and slipped her hand inside to caress her breast through the lace of her bra. Her other hand drifted to the elastic waist of her slacks and eased beneath the fabric to brush over the front of her satin panties. One finger slipped under the panties and parted her pussy lips to tweak her clit.

  Lust sizzled through her. Yes!

  Ben’s voice easily broke through her ardor. “Tell her you want us both.”

  Yes, yes, yes, she pleaded silently.

  “What if she says no?” Johnny argued.

  Marianne had to act fast. If she waited for him to come around, Ben might get tired of waiting and find someone else who interested him. But he loved Johnny—that much was obvious—and he seemed to want to be with her, too. She didn’t want to lose this chance. It might not come up again.

  Quickly she slipped out of her slacks. As they puddled at her feet, she tugged off her blouse and dropped it to the steps. In her underwear, she stepped around the corner and stood at the landing, hand on one jutting hip. Raising her voice so it carried over the noise from the television, she called out, “What if I say yes?”

  Both men froze, still grasping their hard cocks. Their heads swiveled in unison, their mouths agape, their eyes wide. Ben’s gaze dropped from Marianne’s face to her bra, then lower, and a slow smile spread across his face. “Would you say yes?” he asked.

  In response, Marianne unlatched the front clasp of her bra and let her breasts swing free.

  Johnny’s eyes bulged. A bead of white cum bubbled up from the tip of his dick and dribbled down the side of his hand, and Marianne smirked. Placing her palms under her breasts, she lifted them up and pinched her nipples harder. “Johnny, baby,” she purred, coming closer—she swished her hips and pressed her thighs together, squeezing pleasure from her clit with each step. “Isn’t there something you want to ask me?”

  “I-I-I-I,” Johnny stuttered, suddenly at a loss for words.

  Ben nudged him in the shoulder. “Ask her,” he hissed.

  Johnny shrugged him off. Half-tucking his dick into his pants, he started to reach for the television remote. “You know, maybe this isn’t a good time—”

  “You want me,” Marianne murmured, closing the distance between them.

  Johnny looked up at her and nodded. “Uh-huh.”

  Glancing past him, she winked at Ben. “And you want him, right?” she asked.

  Ben’s response was to reach into Johnny’s lap and dip into the front of his jeans to extract his still-hard dick. As his fingers encircled Johnny’s shaft, Ben’s smile widened. “Oh, hell yeah. I want you both.”

  “Johnny?” Marianne prompted.

  With a whimper, his eyes slipped shut. His hips thrust his cock into Ben’s grip, and one word escaped his lips. “Please.”

  Leaning down onto the arm of the couch, Marianne angled her elbows in towards her belly to push her breasts towards Johnny. To her surprise, he leaned back, his head on Ben’s shoulder, and instead it was Ben who surged forward, mouth open, seeking one pert nipple. When his hot lips kissed her skin, his wet tongue slid around and over and under her teat, suckling it as he fisted Johnny’s dick.

  “Yes, yes,” Johnny moaned, head lolled against Ben’s neck. Marianne felt his warm breath tickle her chest and she ran a hand through his hair, scratching his scalp with her nails, before turning him towards her. She guided him easily towards her other breast and he latched on, hungry for her.

  The two worked in disconcert, Ben nipping and tugging while Johnny sucked greedily. Ben’s hands worked both his cock and Johnny’s, and Marianne reached down to help, reaching for his fat dick to see for herself the heft and breadth of it. Like a thick sausage, it filled her hand completely, and Ben let go to give her full rein. With expert moves, she stroked up and down the short length, feeling it grow beneath her attentions. Gingerly she tickled her nails over his tender balls, then under them, then up his length, over the mushroomy tip, and down again, before she grasped him fully a second time.

  He gasped, letting her breast fall from his mouth to plant a wet kiss on Johnny’s cheek. “God,” he sighed, humping into Marianne’s hand. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.”

  She caught his next kiss on her lips. “Show me what you want.”

  But when he leaned up for a second kiss, she pulled back and stood. Johnny’s mouth also slipped free from her breast. With a gentle tug on Ben’s dick, she said, “Upstairs. Don’t you think it’ll be more comfortable in our bed?”

  The men tripped over each other trying to hurry after her as she led the way to the bedroom.

  * * * *

  Up the basement stairs to the first floor, then up the stairs to the second, Johnny and Ben followed after Marianne like eager pups hungry for a treat. The upstairs hallway was dark, but she navigated it easily; the guys, not so much. She heard them bumping and stumbling along in their eagerness and had to suppress a grin. Every fiber of her being ached with nervous anticipation. All those times she’d said goodnight to Ben at the front door! If she had only known how much he’d wanted to be invited in, she would’ve been more than willing to open her legs, her heart, her bed. He was the one she fell for first, and no matter how much she loved Johnny, she’d never be able to forget it.

  Inside the bedroom, she bypassed the wall switch and headed for the lamp on the table beside her bed. A diffused golden glow illuminated the neatly-made bed—good boy, she thought with a smile, silently praising her lover.

  Out in the hall she heard a thump, then Johnny muttered, “Damn it the hell!”

  Ben sniggered. “Outta my way, you clumsy oaf.”

  “She’s my girl,” Johnny snapped.

  Marianne heard a scuffle as she sank back on top of the bed covers. “And you’re my boy,” Ben retorted. “We’re all going to get a piece of each other tonight so slow down before you break something.”

  Stifling a grin, she propped herself up against the pillows, bra open so her breasts were exposed, one knee raised to make her legs look long and lean against the dark comforter. The men fell through the hallway in their haste to join her, Johnny first but Ben with an arm around his chest, trying to hold him back. Somewhere between the basement and the bedroom, their clothes had been stripped away. Everything was gone—T-shirts, jeans, underwear, socks. Nude muscles flexed and rippled; Johnny’s skin looked almost smooth beneath his downy blond fuzz, while dark hair covered Ben’s chest and arms and thighs like a pelt.

  Marianne’s gaze was drawn to their waists. Rather, below, where ruddy balls hung low under thick curls. Johnny’s were the same sandy shade as the hair on the top of his head, and Ben’s were as black as night. From their pubes, their cocks jutted like exclamation points, demanding her attention. When they jostled each other in their bid to be the first to reach the bed, their dicks bobbed and dove, bumping their thighs and bellies and each other. The sight made Marianne’s cunt clench with desire.

  She couldn’t wait any longer. Crawling forward on her hands and knees, she met them at the end of the bed and reached out, one hand angling for each man’s hard shaft. She guided Johnny’s into her first—her lover’s familiar musk filled her nose and throat as he thrust between her lips, and his taste made her mouth water. Heavy and firm, like velvet-wrapped steel, his cock filled her completely, the same way it always did. She pulled back and sucked the tip, the way he liked, tracing the head of his cock with her tongue and flicking over the slit until she tasted salty pre-cum. With one hand, he cradled the back of her head as he thrust into her, a small sound escaping him. “Uh uh uh, yeah, baby, yeah,” he moaned softly.

  With practiced moves, she sucked his dick as she stroked Ben’s. When Johnny’s voice dried up, she glanced at her lover to find him lost in a soulful kiss with his best friend. Ben had one arm around Johnny’s shoulders and tweaked Johnny’s nipple with his free hand while they made out, lips pressed together, tongues dancing, breath intermingling in heated, muffled grunts. Switching sides, Marianne took Johnny’s saliva-slicked dick in her hand and kneaded it to keep him interested while she turned her attention to Ben’s fatty.

  His was a completely different experience for her, and she loved it. The cockhead wasn’t as flared as Johnny’s; in fact, the whole shaft was about the same size as his dick, and once she had it between her lips, she could appreciate the full size of it. Not long, but thick and heavily-veined, with a sexy scent all its own that seemed to reach down and grab hold of her clit. She took in the entire length, her lips kissing the hair at the base of his shaft, and felt the plum-like tip tickle the back of her throat as Johnny’s wet cock slid against her cheek, looking for a second round.

  “I want you both to come on me,” she said suddenly, releasing them to roll onto her back.

  She looked up at them, past their glistening cocks, and grinned at the look of surprise on their faces. “Here,” she said, patting the space between her bare breasts, which had slid to either side of her chest, nipples pointed up.

  Before either Johnny or Ben could reply, Marianne leaned back and licked Ben’s balls, then turned to Johnny and did the same. “Come on,” she said, one hand on either cock. “Don’t make me do all the work here, boys. Jerk each other off.”

  Exchanging grins, they complied. Johnny’s hand replaced hers on Ben’s dick, and Ben took over for her on Johnny’s. She settled for fondling their nuts instead, and slipped a finger or two along the secret, soft skin between their legs, rimming their tight holes with her fingertips. Ben knew what his friend liked, and bent to catch one of Johnny’s nipples in his teeth, tugging and nipping and licking as Johnny gasped in delight. From her vantage point beneath them, Marianne saw the blur of hands slipping and sliding along their stiff dicks, felt the tensing in their balls, and writhed beneath them on the bed. Her tongue darted out, first tasting Ben’s sweaty thigh, then Johnny’s heated sac, then Ben’s damp fingers on Johnny’s dick, then Ben’s first spunk squeezing between Johnny’s fingers as he started to come.

  Ben climaxe
d first, jism spurting from his thick cock to splatter on her breasts. At the sight, Johnny cried out and followed suit, his seed arching a little farther to clump on her belly. Marianne grinned up at them, but she hoped they weren’t completely spent, because the fire in her loins still burned and she knew only one—or hell, maybe both—of the now-softening dicks above her would douse it.

  * * * *

  First, Marianne wanted to clean up a little.

  As she headed into the bedroom’s bath, she called out, “You two get it back up but no getting off again without me, you hear?”

  The mattress springs squealed as Johnny and Ben climbed into bed. “Hurry back then, hon,” her lover said. “I’m already half-hard watching your fine ass.”

  With a laugh, Marianne stopped and gave Johnny a seductive smirk over her shoulder. Hooking her fingers through the strings of her panties, she bent at the waist and, in one fluid motion tugged down her undies to expose her backside. “What about now?”

  “Damn, girl.” Ben leered from beside Johnny on the bed, one hand already fisted around his dick. “An ass like that might make me go straight.”

  Johnny punched his friend’s arm. “Hey! I thought you liked my ass!”

  Growling, Ben tackled Johnny and pinned him to the bed. Marianne saw Johnny’s cock twitch as Ben’s dick smeared along his outer thigh, then Ben rolled him onto his belly, head shoved into the pillows, buttocks in the air. “I love your ass,” Ben cried, giving Johnny’s meaty ass cheek a playful bite.

  Marianne warned them, “Don’t forget to wait for me.”

  Ben’s tongue flickered out to taste the puckered hole in the middle of Johnny’s buttocks. The sight of his lips closing around Johnny’s tight center made Marianne’s pussy throb, and she slid a hand down her belly to poke between the lips of her labia at her bare clit. It hummed beneath her fingertip, sizzling with desire and need, and an electric current surged through her at her own touch. It took all the strength she had to pull back—she couldn’t let herself come, either! This would be a collaboration, a concerto in three movements, each of them finding release only in harmony with the others.